Andare alla deriva in terre lontane
Fotografie da terre lontane (Thailandia)
Sculture con argilla e legname galleggiante
Mostra d'arte nella Ex-Colonia Elioterapica di Germignaga dal 18 agosto al 3 settembre 2023.
Antje Schmuck, Gabi Breitenbach & Ralf Steinberger
Drifting into foreign lands
Photography of foreign lands (Thailand)
Sculptures made of driftwood and clay
Art exhibition at the Ex-Colonia Elioterapica di Germignaga, 18.8.-3.9.2023
Antje Schmuck, Gabi Breitenbach & Ralf Steinberger
Foto di Ralf Steinberger scattata nella China Town di Bangkok.
Locandina della mostra con orario di apertura e luogo / Exhibition poster
Scarica la locandina in versione web/emaiil (220KB) o la versione stampabile in A3 (1.9MB):
Locandina della mostra. Versione web + email (sopra), versione stampabile (sotto) Exhibition poster. Web version above, printable version below.
Scultura di Antje Schmuck, fatta di legname galleggiante ed argilla.
Foto di Gabi Breitenbach con graffiti scattata nella città moderna di Bangkok.
STAMPA ed annunci / Press articles and Announcements
Vernissage and Finissage / Opening and closing events
We would be delighted if you joined us at the Vernissage on Saturday 19.8.23 and at the Finissage on Sunday 3.9.23. Both events start at 6 PM and we shall offer you a drink.
At the Vernissage, the mayor of Germignaga, Dott. Marco Fazio, will be present. Vintage DJ Stefano Bruno will create good mood by putting on 45 RPM vinyl records.
At the Finissage, musicians Marco Conti (acoustic bass) and Thomas Rosenfeld (keyboards) will help us close the exhibition by playing wonderful live Jazz.
FOTO della Ex-Colonia / Photos of the fascinating and attractive century-old exhibition space Ex-Colonia Elioterapica di Germignaga:
Foto del Vernissage / Photos of the opening event (Vernissage)
After the introduction by Germignaga's mayor Dott. Marco Fazio, we offered snacks and Vintage DJ Stefano Bruno put on 45 RPM vinyl records.
Foto del Finissage / Photos of the closing event (Finissage) on 3.9.2023
We invited the fabulous jazz musicians Marco Conti (double bass) and Thomas Rosenfeld (keyboards) to play for the closing event. We thank our many guests for their visit and for contributing to the good mood and ambiance.
Dati, orari e luogo / Dates, Time and Location
Mostra di fotografie e di sculture col titolo: / Photography and sculpture exhibition with the title: Italiano: Andare alla deriva in terre lontane. Deutsch: Sich in ferne Welten treiben lassen.
English: Drifting into foreign lands.
Artisti: Antje Schmuck, Gabi Breintenbach & Ralf Steinberger
Luogo: Ex-Colonia Elioterapica di Germignaga, Via Bodmer, 21010 Germignaga (VA), Italia Dal 18.8. al 3.9.2023
Orario: Venderdì, sabato e domenica 17:00 - 20:30 Vernissage con musica DJ: Sabato 19.8.2023 alle ore 18
Finissage con musica jazz dal vivo: Domenica 3.9.2023 alle ore 18
Ringraziamenti / Acknowledgements
We are grateful to the comune di Germignaga for having given us the opportunity to exhibit at the beautiful century-old Ex-Colonia Elioterapica di Germignaga. Communication and practical arrangements with the administration have worked perfectly. We would particularly like to thank Marisa Lenardon for having brought us there and for helping us with all the practical matters, and Germignaga's mayor, Dott. Marco Fazio, for his introduction to the exhibition.
We highly value the advice of our experienced photographer friend Rudolf Hummel, who helped us select and sequence photos and who told us frankly when he did not agree with our choices.
We strongly benefited from the gallery experience of our friend Candice Gärtner, who gave us good advice on the setup and helped hands-on with the catalogue and the labels.
'Vintage DJ' Stefano Bruno created a very pleasant and attractive ambiance at the vernissage by putting on his original selection of 45 RPM vinyl records and by sensitively adapting the music to the mood of the guests.
Finally, our friends Nadia Valgiusti and Jean-Jacques Langueh from the Panetteria Panacea in Sesto Calende provided their delicious pizza and various types of yummy bread, thus adding also culinary satisfaction to the vernissage evening.
There will be crocodiles? Isn't that dangerous?
Nice eye catcher photo from Bangkok, looking forward to come and 'sniff into' the exhibition,