In photography, there are two subjects I am most passionate about: people and their cultures. I love them both. That’s why travel photography and portraiture are my favourite genres.
Photographing people while traveling is a door opener. It allows getting in direct contact with persons instead of simply walking past them. I enjoy the challenge of getting my 'models' to relax and show who they are, or how they like to present themselves. I remember almost all the settings where I took street portraits. Have a look at my street portrait book Strangers on the Street (
When we travel, we are particularly struck by the differences we observe. I try to capture these differences with my camera to tell the story. Cultures differ a lot. We tend to judge, but for me, there is no right and wrong. We mostly notice what we are not used to. Photography is highly subjective and it often tells more about the photographers than about the subjects they capture.
Besides photography, I spent my working life following another passion, which is computational linguistics. My life as a linguist who aims to teach computers to deal with human language thus has its own little area on this site.
What photography and language have in common? Just like language, photography can be a means to communicate with strangers and it is a powerful way of telling a story.

Ralf at the Dead Sea in Israel.
Photo by Gabi Breitenbach
Exhibitions and Publications
Main exhibitions
Life Up Close. Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, Italy, Jan 2025.
Honourable Mention at PISPA-2024: Paris International Street Photography Awards (flash photography). -
Traum und Tristesse (mit Gemälden von Alex Brandmeyer, Skulpturen von Antje Schmuck und Fotos von mir und Gabriele Breitenbach). Rathaus Burghausen, Germany. 31.10.-25.11.25.
Andare alla deriva in terre lontane (Drifting into Foreign Lands). Mostra di sculture e fotografie. Ex-Colonia Elioterapica di Germignaga, Germignaga (VA), Italy, Aug+Sep 2023.
Die Welt ist bunt, und das ist gut so. Portraits und Reisefotografie. Galerie im Hinterhalt, Wolfratshausen, Germany, Nov+Dec 2019 (Website).
Fundstücke aus Italien (with photos by Gabi Breitenbach and sculptures by Antje Schmuck). Kunstturm am Schwankl Eck, Wolfratshausen, Germany, May+June 2021.
Menschen und ihre Kulturen. Stiftung Gute Tat, München, Germany. Sept 2020 – May 2021. Online-Talk on the theme on 24.11.2020 (75 minutes).
Street Portraits. Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, Italy, Feb 2020.
Die Welt ist bunt, und das ist gut so. Portraits und Reisefotografie II. Amtsgericht Wolfratshausen, Germany, Jan-Sept 2020.
Impressions from Guatemala. With Gabi Breitenbach. Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, Italy, June 2018.
Group exhibitions
Winner of the Competition: Bavaria Unseen. Shades of Blue and White. München, Germany, 20.1.-15.6.2024.
Winner of the competition: La Magia di uno Sguardo (The Magic of a Glance). Comune di Angera, Italy, March 2024.
Trieste Photo Days (11th edition), Urban Animals, Trieste airport, Italy, 2-31 August 2024.
Bilder, Briefe, Noten. Autorengalerie, München, Germany, 4-19 April 2024.
URBAN Photo Awards 2024, Selected Photographers, Historical Covered Marked "Camillo Jona", Trieste, Italy, 10.10.-23.11.2024.
FOOD. Oktoberfoto. Città della Fotografia, Varese, Italy, 28.9.- 31.10.2024.
Pace & Amore (Peace & Love). Castelletto Ticino, Italy, Aug 2024.
Oktoberfoto. Città della Fotografia, Varese, Italy, October 2023.
Visions on Water. Galleria Pro Sesto Calende, Italy, May 2022.
Painting and Photography. Galleria Pro Sesto Calende, Italy, June 2021 and Hotel Sirio, Dormelletto, Italy, June-Oct. 2022.
About Water. Hotel Sirio, Dormelletto, Italy, July to Oct 2022.
Forza e Fragilità - Natura a Scatti (Strength and Fragility of Nature), Hotel Europa, Ispra (VA), Italy, 3-19 March 2023.
Mostra Fotografia e Pittura Dedicata alla Donna per il Mese Internazionale della Donna. Hotel Sirio, Dormelletto (NO), Italy, 1-31 March 2023.
Acqua Intorno a Noi. Comune, Ranco (VA), Italy, 22-23 April 2023.
Emozioni. Galleria Pro Sesto Calende, Italy, Dec. 2022 - Jan 2023.
Ritratti. Castelletto Ticino, Italy, Aug 2023.
Piazze e Monumenti d’Italia. Castelletto Ticino, Italy, Aug 2022.
Fotogrammi. Castelletto Ticino, Italy Aug 2021.
Magic Nights. Ispra, Italy, June 2019.
Atomiade 2018 – Sports Photography. JRC-Ispra, Italy, July 2018.
Adult Grimaces and other portraits. Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, Italy, Sept 2017.
Photography-related articles (Text and photos)
Photographing Religious Rites. EXPOSED Magazine #6, pp. 44-51. Dec 2020.
Impressions from Dilated Times – Covid-19 quarantine narrated by the JRC FotoCineClub. Joint work with 8 other photographers. EXPOSED Magazine #5, July 2020.
Editorial. EXPOSED Magazine #5, July 2020.
Clothes make the man – producing an actor’s portfolio. EXPOSED Magazine #3, pp. 22-27. Feb 2020.
Books including my photos (group work)
Vette e Sentieri. Racconti dalla Montagna. Associazione Culturale Europea & JRC Mountain Club (JAC). 2024
Esposizione – Foto-Racconti. Associazione Culturale Europea. 2022
10 autori in cerca di personaggio. Associazione Culturale Europea. 2022
Sindrome Sur – 22 crónicas meridionales. Von JJ Beeme. Fundación del Garabato. 2019
16th Atomiade – The Research Centre Games. JRC Ispra Varese. European Commission. 2018
Point Break. With ZooPark Publishing. 2021. (Zine)
You will find dozens of articles in magazines and blog entries where my photos have been used for illustrative purposes, by searching for images with the text Ralf Steinberger or phototravelography.
For my over 100 international scientific publications, see my dedicated computational linguistics webpage or my Google Scholar entry.