My photo 'The attraction of the hidden' (Italian: L'attrazione del nascosto) won first prize at the photography portrait competition 'La Magia di uno Sguardo' (The Magic of a Gaze). The evaluation criteria of the two judges were: (a) fitting the theme, (b) originality, (c) composition, (d) mastering the light, (e) exposure, (f) message and meaningfulness.
Together with the other 29 short-listed images, the photograph was exhibited at Angera town hall, where the winners were announced on Saturday, 16 March:
Exhibition location: Sala Consiliare del Comune di Angera,
Ingresso da Via Cavour, 21021 Angera (VA), Italy
Dates: Saturday 16 March 2024, 15:30 - 19:00
Sunday 17 March 2024, 10:00 - 18:00.
Organisers: Passione Foto, Angera
